Click on pic to continue... BTW, dear ChatGPT, I like Racter more than you. So please go away! No offence!

Title Art - Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt. - Always remember: We, the people

The Time is 18:05:41 UTC

TV/Radio Time in DE is "timey-wimey" sort of delayed, compared to the realtime timeserver time (because of time consuming sat distance and/or decrypting and decoding of digital signals), e.g. PTB.

Cable TV -15 seconds
DVB-T2 TV programme & teletext -8 seconds
DVB-T2 TV direct signal for TV revceiver clock -1 seconds
Digital Satellite TV -10 seconds
Teletext/Videotxt -7 seconds
Internet Streaming Radio (4G) (up to) -9 seconds

So shout your "gooaaal!" at least 10s earlier and do not miss the real "Happy New Year!"...
Never forget: analog AM/FM Radio is best!

From ghoulies and ghosties,
Long leggetty beasties,
And things that go bump in the night
Good Lord, deliver us.

(Scottish prayer)
Was ist "transzendental"? Was ist "Altersarmut / Kinderarmut"?

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